Best JavaScript Frameworks

Best JavaScript Frameworks
Experts rely on JavaScript frameworks. They support the language of the web, supporting event-driven, functional, object-oriented, and prototype-based programming styles. So what do you need to know about JavaScript frameworks? We provide an introduction to the topic and our detailed reviews below.
 Note that the JavaScript framework has many styles.We discuss their features, pros and cons. All of this contributes to our recommendation of the best JavaScript frameworks to use. Let's start with some high-level questions related to the JavaScript language and its frameworks.
 What is a JavaScript framework and what does it do?
 A web development framework is an abstraction in which software provides common functionality that can be selectively modified with additional user-written code.A JavaScript framework is an application framework written in JavaScript in which programmers can manipulate  functions and use them as they see fit.
 frameworks are more adaptable to web design and hence most web developers adopt them.  JavaScript frameworks are easier and smoother to work with, providing capabilities such  as making applications  responsive.
Top JavaScript Frameworks

  1. Angular

One of the most powerful and efficient JavaScript frameworks, Angular is an open source framework  used for developing  Single Page Applications (SPA). It extends the HTML code in the application and interprets the properties to perform data binding.
- Progressive Web Apps: Capable of modern web platforms to deliver app-like experiences with high performance, offline, and stepless installation.
 - Desktop:  Mac, Windows, and Linux desktop applications can be built using the same Angular methods as on the web, with the added ability to access  OS APIs origin.
 - Code Generation: Angular transforms templates into  highly optimized code for the JavaScript virtual machine, giving it an advantage over handwritten code.
 - Code Separation: With the new component router, Angular applications load quickly, providing automatic code separation.
 - Templates: Create UI views with simple and powerful template syntax.
 - Angular CLI: A command-line tool that lets you  start building quickly, add components and test, and then deploy immediately.
 - Animation: Create complex, high-performance choreography and animation timelines with very little code using Angular's visual API.
 - Accessibility: Build accessible applications with ARIA-compliant components, development guides, and integrated testing frameworks.

  1.  React

Created by Facebook, the React framework gained popularity very quickly. It is used to develop and operate dynamic user interfaces of high-traffic websites. It uses the  virtual DOM and therefore it is easier to integrate with any application.
- Declarative: Create dynamic and interactive user interfaces for websites and mobile applications. Declarative views make  code  easy to read and debug.
 - Virtual DOM: For each DOM object there is a corresponding "virtual DOM object". It creates a virtual copy of the original DOM and is an instance of a DOM object.
 - Event handling: React has created a fully compliant W3C object model event system. It also provides a cross-browser interface for a native event.
 - JSX: JSX is a markup syntax very similar to HTML.JSX makes it easier to write React components  by making the syntax closely resemble the HTML injected into the web page.
 - Performance: React uses one-way data binding with an application architecture known as Flux controls. ReactJS allows updating the view for the user with Flux controlling the application workflow.
 - React Native: React Native is a custom renderer for React; it uses native components instead of web components like React as the building block.
 - Component-based: Everything is a component of a web page, broken down into smaller components to create a view (or user interface).ReactJS components are used to define images and interactions in the application.

  1.  Vue.js

Although developed in  2016, this JavaScript framework is already on the market and has proven to work by providing a lot of functionality. Its dual integrated mode is one of the most attractive features to create a high-end SPA. It is a reliable platform for cross-platform development.
- Virtual DOM: Vue.js uses the virtual DOM, a clone of the main DOM element.
 - Data Binding: This feature makes it easier to manipulate or assign values ​​to HTML attributes.
 - CSS Transitions and Animations: Vue has several methods for applying transitions to HTML elements as they are added, updated, or removed from the DOM.
 - Templates: Vue provides HTML-based templates that bind the DOM to Vue.js version data. Models are compiled into Virtual DOM Render functions.
 - Complexity: Vue.js is simpler in  API and design. A web developer can create simple applications in just one day.

  1. Ember.js

Ember.js appeared in 2015 and since then it has gained popularity due to its wide application domain. Ember.js features  support for two-way data binding, making it a reliable platform for handling complex user interfaces. Popular websites like LinkedIn, Netflix and Nordstrom use Ember.js for their websites.
- Ease of Use: Create  web applications that are easy to use and maintain.
 - HTML and CSS functionality: It provides the core HTML and CSS of the development model.
 - Version Initializer: Ember provides an instance initializer for 
 - Route: Ember Classes.js provides routes which are essential features used to manage URLs.
 - Debugging: Ember.js has the Ember Inspector tool for debugging Ember applications.
 - Templates: Ember.js uses templates that allow the template to automatically update  if the content of the application changes.

  1. Meteor

Meteor has many different uses, playing an important role in software development. Applications include back-end development, database management, business logic, and UI rendering.
- Full-Stack Solution: Meteor is a full-stack solution for developing and deploying web applications. Features include automatic CSS, responsive templates, and minification of JS  on the production server.
 - Development Ecosystem: Meteor.js is an isomorphic open source "IDEvE" development ecosystem. It makes it easy to build real-time web applications from scratch as it contains all the necessary front-end and back-end components.
 - Isomorphic JavaScript code: the same code can be used across front-end,  back-end,  mobile and web applications. This saves developers from having to install and configure various module managers, libraries, drivers, APIs, etc.
 - Front-end solutions: Meteor provides a front-end development framework, Blaze.js, which offers a number of useful features. It also integrates with popular modern front-end frameworks like Backbone.js for better results.
 - Database Integration: Meteor.js supports any database with a Node.js driver. MongoDB is commonly used.

  1. Node.js

Node.js is a cross-platform and open source JavaScript server-side runtime environment. This framework can handle asynchronous I/O thanks to its event-based architecture. It works in the JavaScript runtime environment and exposes the same properties of JAVA as threading, encapsulation, and looping.
- Fast: The Node.js library executes code fast because it is built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
 - Asynchronous and Event I/O: All  APIs are asynchronous, meaning its server does not wait for the API to return data.
 - Single-threaded: Node.js, like the event loop, follows the single-threaded model.
 - Highly Scalable: Node.js follows an event mechanism that allows the server to respond in a non-blocking way, making it scalable.
 - No Buffer: When downloading audio and video files, Node.js significantly reduces processing time. It does not buffer any data and the application fetches the data  in chunks.
 - Open Source: Being open source, the Node.js community has come up with some great patterns that can be used to add more functionality to  Node.js applications.

  1. Backbone.js

Pretty easy to learn, Backbone is used to create single-page applications.The development of this framework uses the idea that all  server-side functionality must go through an API, which makes it possible to achieve complex functionality with less code.
-  Convenience: Building blocks such as models, views, events, routers, and collections are provided for assembling  client-side web applications.
 -  Easy to use library: This is a simple library that separates business logic and UI logic.
 - Lots of Extensions: Backbone has a free open source library and  over 100 extensions available.
 - Dependencies: Backbone has a soft dependency on jQuery and a hard dependency on Underscore.js.
 - Organized Development: Backbone allows you to build client-side web applications or mobile apps in a well-organized and structured format.